Source code for applicationinsights.client.enable

import sys

from applicationinsights import TelemetryClient
from import SynchronousSender, SynchronousQueue, TelemetryChannel

import time

current_milli_time = lambda: int(round(time.time() * 1000))

def _track_dependency(tc, always_flush, host, method, url, duration, response_code):
    success = response_code < 400

        data="{} {}".format(method, url),

    if always_flush:

def __enable_for_urllib3(http_connection_pool_class, https_connection_pool_class, instrumentation_key,
                         telemetry_channel, always_flush):
    if not instrumentation_key:
        raise Exception('Instrumentation key was required but not provided')

    if telemetry_channel is None:
        sender = SynchronousSender()
        queue = SynchronousQueue(sender)
        telemetry_channel = TelemetryChannel(None, queue)

    client = TelemetryClient(instrumentation_key, telemetry_channel)

    orig_http_urlopen_method = http_connection_pool_class.urlopen
    orig_https_urlopen_method = https_connection_pool_class.urlopen

    def custom_urlopen_wrapper(urlopen_func):
        def custom_urlopen(*args, **kwargs):
            start_time = current_milli_time()
            response = urlopen_func(*args, **kwargs)
            try:  # make sure to always return the response
                duration = current_milli_time() - start_time
                    method = args[1]
                except IndexError:
                    method = kwargs['method']

                    url = args[2]
                except IndexError:
                    url = kwargs['url']

                _track_dependency(client, always_flush, args[0].host, method, url, duration, response.status)
                return response

        return custom_urlopen

    http_connection_pool_class.urlopen = custom_urlopen_wrapper(orig_http_urlopen_method)
    https_connection_pool_class.urlopen = custom_urlopen_wrapper(orig_https_urlopen_method)

[docs]def enable_for_urllib3(instrumentation_key, telemetry_channel=None, always_flush=False): """Enables the automatic collection of dependency telemetries for HTTP calls with urllib3. .. code:: python from applicationinsights.client import enable_for_urllib3 import urllib3.requests enable_for_urllib3('<YOUR INSTRUMENTATION KEY GOES HERE>') urllib3.PoolManager().request("GET", "") # a dependency telemetry will be sent to the Application Insights service Args: instrumentation_key (str). the instrumentation key to use while sending telemetry to the service. telemetry_channel (TelemetryChannel). a custom telemetry channel to use always_flush (bool). if true every HTTP call will flush the dependency telemetry """ from urllib3.connectionpool import HTTPConnectionPool, HTTPSConnectionPool __enable_for_urllib3(HTTPConnectionPool, HTTPSConnectionPool, instrumentation_key, telemetry_channel, always_flush)
[docs]def enable_for_requests(instrumentation_key, telemetry_channel=None, always_flush=False): """Enables the automatic collection of dependency telemetries for HTTP calls with requests. .. code:: python from applicationinsights.client import enable_for_requests import requests enable_for_requests('<YOUR INSTRUMENTATION KEY GOES HERE>') requests.get("") # a dependency telemetry will be sent to the Application Insights service Args: instrumentation_key (str). the instrumentation key to use while sending telemetry to the service. telemetry_channel (TelemetryChannel). a custom telemetry channel to use always_flush (bool). if true every HTTP call will flush the dependency telemetry """ from requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool import HTTPConnectionPool, HTTPSConnectionPool __enable_for_urllib3(HTTPConnectionPool, HTTPSConnectionPool, instrumentation_key, telemetry_channel, always_flush)
def _track_for_urllib(tc, always_flush, start_time, req, resp): duration = current_milli_time() - start_time method = req.get_method() if sys.version_info.major > 2: url = req.selector status = resp.status else: url = req.get_selector() status = resp.code _track_dependency(tc, always_flush,, method, url, duration, status) def __enable_for_urllib(base_http_handler_class, base_https_handler_class, instrumentation_key, telemetry_channel=None, always_flush=False): pass if not instrumentation_key: raise Exception('Instrumentation key was required but not provided') if telemetry_channel is None: sender = SynchronousSender() queue = SynchronousQueue(sender) telemetry_channel = TelemetryChannel(None, queue) client = TelemetryClient(instrumentation_key, telemetry_channel) class AppInsightsHTTPHandler(base_http_handler_class, object): def http_open(self, req): start_time = current_milli_time() response = super(AppInsightsHTTPHandler, self).http_open(req) try: _track_for_urllib(client, always_flush, start_time, req, response) finally: return response class AppInsightsHTTPSHandler(base_https_handler_class, object): def https_open(self, req): start_time = current_milli_time() response = super(AppInsightsHTTPSHandler, self).https_open(req) try: _track_for_urllib(client, always_flush, start_time, req, response) finally: return response return AppInsightsHTTPHandler, AppInsightsHTTPSHandler
[docs]def enable_for_urllib(instrumentation_key, telemetry_channel=None, always_flush=False): """Enables the automatic collection of dependency telemetries for HTTP calls with urllib. .. code:: python from applicationinsights.client import enable_for_urllib import urllib.requests enable_for_urllib('<YOUR INSTRUMENTATION KEY GOES HERE>') urllib.request.urlopen("") # a dependency telemetry will be sent to the Application Insights service Args: instrumentation_key (str). the instrumentation key to use while sending telemetry to the service. telemetry_channel (TelemetryChannel). a custom telemetry channel to use always_flush (bool). if true every HTTP call will flush the dependency telemetry """ import urllib.request http_handler, https_handler = __enable_for_urllib( urllib.request.HTTPHandler, urllib.request.HTTPSHandler, instrumentation_key, telemetry_channel, always_flush ) urllib.request.install_opener( urllib.request.build_opener(http_handler, https_handler) )
[docs]def enable_for_urllib2(instrumentation_key, telemetry_channel=None, always_flush=False): """Enables the automatic collection of dependency telemetries for HTTP calls with urllib2. .. code:: python from applicationinsights.client import enable_for_urllib2 import urllib2 enable_for_urllib2('<YOUR INSTRUMENTATION KEY GOES HERE>') urllib2.urlopen("") # a dependency telemetry will be sent to the Application Insights service Args: instrumentation_key (str). the instrumentation key to use while sending telemetry to the service. telemetry_channel (TelemetryChannel). a custom telemetry channel to use always_flush (bool). if true every HTTP call will flush the dependency telemetry """ import urllib2 http_handler, https_handler = __enable_for_urllib( urllib2.HTTPHandler, urllib2.HTTPSHandler, instrumentation_key, telemetry_channel, always_flush ) urllib2.install_opener( urllib2.build_opener(http_handler, https_handler) )