Source code for

    # Python 2.x
    from Queue import Queue, Empty
except ImportError:
    # Python 3.x
    from queue import Queue, Empty

    from persistqueue import Empty as PersistEmpty
    from persistqueue import Queue as PersistQueue
except ImportError:
    PersistEmpty = Empty
    PersistQueue = None

[docs]class QueueBase(object): """The base class for all types of queues for use in conjunction with an implementation of :class:`SenderBase`. The queue will notify the sender that it needs to pick up items when it reaches :func:`max_queue_length`, or when the consumer calls :func:`flush`. """ def __init__(self, sender, persistence_path=''): """Initializes a new instance of the class. Args: sender (:class:`SenderBase`) the sender object that will be used in conjunction with this queue. persistence_path (str) if set, persist the queue on disk into the provided directory. """ if persistence_path and PersistQueue is None: raise ValueError( 'persistence_path argument requires persist-queue dependency to be installed') elif persistence_path: self._queue = PersistQueue(persistence_path) else: self._queue = Queue() self._persistence_path = persistence_path self._max_queue_length = 500 self._sender = sender if sender: self._sender.queue = self @property def max_queue_length(self): """The maximum number of items that will be held by the queue before the queue will call the :func:`flush` method. Args: value (int). the maximum queue length. The minimum allowed value is 1. Returns: int. the maximum queue size. (defaults to: 500) """ return self._max_queue_length @max_queue_length.setter def max_queue_length(self, value): """The maximum number of items that will be held by the queue before the queue will call the :func:`flush` method. Args: value (int): the maximum queue length. The minimum allowed value is 1. Returns: int. the maximum queue size. (defaults to: 500) """ if value < 1: value = 1 self._max_queue_length = value @property def sender(self): """The sender that is associated with this queue that this queue will use to send data to the service. Returns: :class:`SenderBase`. the sender object. """ return self._sender
[docs] def put(self, item): """Adds the passed in item object to the queue and calls :func:`flush` if the size of the queue is larger than :func:`max_queue_length`. This method does nothing if the passed in item is None. Args: item (:class:`contracts.Envelope`) item the telemetry envelope object to send to the service. """ if not item: return self._queue.put(item) if self._queue.qsize() >= self._max_queue_length: self.flush()
[docs] def get(self): """Gets a single item from the queue and returns it. If the queue is empty, this method will return None. Returns: :class:`contracts.Envelope`. a telemetry envelope object or None if the queue is empty. """ try: item = self._queue.get_nowait() except (Empty, PersistEmpty): return None if self._persistence_path: self._queue.task_done() return item
[docs] def flush(self): """Flushes the current queue by notifying the {#sender}. This method needs to be overridden by a concrete implementations of the queue class. """ pass