
SynchronousQueue class

class, persistence_path='')[source]

A synchronous queue for use in conjunction with the SynchronousSender. The queue will call send() on sender() when it reaches max_queue_length(), or when the consumer calls flush().

from import SynchronousQueue
queue = SynchronousQueue(None)
queue.max_queue_length = 1

Flushes the current queue by by calling sender()’s send() method.


Gets a single item from the queue and returns it. If the queue is empty, this method will return None.


contracts.Envelope. a telemetry envelope object or None if the queue is empty.


Adds the passed in item object to the queue and calls flush() if the size of the queue is larger than max_queue_length(). This method does nothing if the passed in item is None.


item (contracts.Envelope) item the telemetry envelope object to send to the service.

property max_queue_length

The maximum number of items that will be held by the queue before the queue will call the flush() method.


value (int). the maximum queue length. The minimum allowed value is 1.


int. the maximum queue size. (defaults to: 500)

property sender

The sender that is associated with this queue that this queue will use to send data to the service.


SenderBase. the sender object.

SynchronousSender class


A synchronous sender that works in conjunction with the SynchronousQueue. The queue will call send() on the current instance with the data to send.


Immediately sends the data passed in to service_endpoint_uri(). If the service request fails, the passed in items are pushed back to the queue().


data_to_send (Array): an array of contracts.Envelope objects to send to the service.

property queue

The queue that this sender is draining. While SenderBase doesn’t implement any means of doing so, derivations of this class do.


value (QueueBase). the queue instance that this sender is draining.


QueueBase. the queue instance that this sender is draining.

property send_buffer_size

The buffer size for a single batch of telemetry. This is the maximum number of items in a single service request that this sender is going to send.


value (int). the maximum number of items in a telemetry batch.


int. the maximum number of items in a telemetry batch.

property send_timeout

Time in seconds that the sender should wait before giving up.

property service_endpoint_uri

The HTTP or HTTPS endpoint that this sender will send data to.


value (str). the service endpoint URI.


str. the service endpoint URI.

AsynchronousQueue class

class*args, **kwargs)[source]

An asynchronous queue for use in conjunction with the AsynchronousSender. The queue will notify the sender that it needs to pick up items when it reaches max_queue_length(), or when the consumer calls flush() via the flush_notification() event.


Flushes the current queue by notifying the sender() via the flush_notification() event.


Gets a single item from the queue and returns it. If the queue is empty, this method will return None.


contracts.Envelope. a telemetry envelope object or None if the queue is empty.


Adds the passed in item object to the queue and notifies the sender() to start an asynchronous send operation by calling start().


item (contracts.Envelope) the telemetry envelope object to send to the service.

property flush_notification

The flush notification Event that the sender() will use to get notified that a flush is needed.


Event. object that the sender() can wait on.

property max_queue_length

The maximum number of items that will be held by the queue before the queue will call the flush() method.


value (int). the maximum queue length. The minimum allowed value is 1.


int. the maximum queue size. (defaults to: 500)

property sender

The sender that is associated with this queue that this queue will use to send data to the service.


SenderBase. the sender object.

AsynchronousSender class


An asynchronous sender that works in conjunction with the AsynchronousQueue. The sender object will start a worker thread that will pull items from the queue(). The thread will be created when the client calls start() and will check for queue items every send_interval() seconds. The worker thread can also be forced to check the queue by setting the flush_notification() event.

  • If no items are found, the thread will go back to sleep.

  • If items are found, the worker thread will send items to the specified service in batches of send_buffer_size().

If no queue items are found for send_time() seconds, the worker thread will shut down (and start() will need to be called again).


Immediately sends the data passed in to service_endpoint_uri(). If the service request fails, the passed in items are pushed back to the queue().


data_to_send (Array): an array of contracts.Envelope objects to send to the service.


Starts a new sender thread if none is not already there


Gracefully stops the sender thread if one is there.

property queue

The queue that this sender is draining. While SenderBase doesn’t implement any means of doing so, derivations of this class do.


value (QueueBase). the queue instance that this sender is draining.


QueueBase. the queue instance that this sender is draining.

property send_buffer_size

The buffer size for a single batch of telemetry. This is the maximum number of items in a single service request that this sender is going to send.


value (int). the maximum number of items in a telemetry batch.


int. the maximum number of items in a telemetry batch.

property send_interval

The time span in seconds at which the the worker thread will check the queue() for items (defaults to: 1.0).


value (int) the interval in seconds.


int. the interval in seconds.

property send_time

The time span in seconds at which the the worker thread will check the queue() for items (defaults to: 1.0).


value (int) the interval in seconds.


int. the interval in seconds.

property send_timeout

Time in seconds that the sender should wait before giving up.

property service_endpoint_uri

The HTTP or HTTPS endpoint that this sender will send data to.


value (str). the service endpoint URI.


str. the service endpoint URI.

QueueBase class

class, persistence_path='')[source]

The base class for all types of queues for use in conjunction with an implementation of SenderBase.

The queue will notify the sender that it needs to pick up items when it reaches max_queue_length(), or when the consumer calls flush().


Flushes the current queue by notifying the {#sender}. This method needs to be overridden by a concrete implementations of the queue class.


Gets a single item from the queue and returns it. If the queue is empty, this method will return None.


contracts.Envelope. a telemetry envelope object or None if the queue is empty.


Adds the passed in item object to the queue and calls flush() if the size of the queue is larger than max_queue_length(). This method does nothing if the passed in item is None.


item (contracts.Envelope) item the telemetry envelope object to send to the service.

property max_queue_length

The maximum number of items that will be held by the queue before the queue will call the flush() method.


value (int). the maximum queue length. The minimum allowed value is 1.


int. the maximum queue size. (defaults to: 500)

property sender

The sender that is associated with this queue that this queue will use to send data to the service.


SenderBase. the sender object.

SenderBase class


The base class for all types of senders for use in conjunction with an implementation of QueueBase.

The queue will notify the sender that it needs to pick up items. The concrete sender implementation will listen to these notifications and will pull items from the queue getting at most send_buffer_size() items. It will then call send() using the list of items pulled from the queue.


Immediately sends the data passed in to service_endpoint_uri(). If the service request fails, the passed in items are pushed back to the queue().


data_to_send (Array): an array of contracts.Envelope objects to send to the service.

property queue

The queue that this sender is draining. While SenderBase doesn’t implement any means of doing so, derivations of this class do.


value (QueueBase). the queue instance that this sender is draining.


QueueBase. the queue instance that this sender is draining.

property send_buffer_size

The buffer size for a single batch of telemetry. This is the maximum number of items in a single service request that this sender is going to send.


value (int). the maximum number of items in a telemetry batch.


int. the maximum number of items in a telemetry batch.

property send_timeout

Time in seconds that the sender should wait before giving up.

property service_endpoint_uri

The HTTP or HTTPS endpoint that this sender will send data to.


value (str). the service endpoint URI.


str. the service endpoint URI.

TelemetryChannel class

class, queue=None)[source]

The telemetry channel is responsible for constructing a contracts.Envelope object from the passed in data and specified telemetry context.

from import TelemetryChannel, contracts
channel = TelemetryChannel()
event = contracts.EventData() = 'My event'

Flushes the enqueued data by calling flush() on queue().

write(data, context=None)[source]

Enqueues the passed in data to the queue(). If the caller specifies a context as well, it will take precedence over the instance in context().

data (object). data the telemetry data to send. This will be wrapped in an contracts.Envelope

before being enqueued to the queue().

context (TelemetryContext). context the override context to use when constructing the


property context

The context associated with this channel. All contracts.Envelope objects created by this channel will use this value if it’s present or if none is specified as part of the write() call.


(TelemetryContext). the context instance (defaults to: TelemetryContext())

property queue

The queue associated with this channel. All contracts.Envelope objects created by this channel will be pushed to this queue.


(QueueBase). the queue instance (defaults to: SynchronousQueue())

property sender

The sender associated with this channel. This instance will be used to transmit telemetry to the service.


(SenderBase). the sender instance (defaults to: SynchronousSender())

TelemetryContext class


Represents the context for sending telemetry to the Application Insights service.

context = TelemetryContext()
context.instrumentation_key = '<YOUR INSTRUMENTATION KEY GOES HERE>'
context.application.ver = '1.2.3' = 'My current device'
context.device.oem_name = 'Asus'
context.device.model = 'X31A'
context.device.type = "Other" = ''
track_trace('My trace with context')
property properties

The property context. This contains free-form properties that you can add to your telemetry.


(dict). the context object.